Business Valuation
There are a number of reasons to have a business valued. Valuing all or part of a business requires understanding and analysis of complex factors. We use a variety of methodologies and techniques in deriving a valuation exploiting our training, experience, skills and judgement as well as market formulae in providing you with the quality of valuation advice you demand
A Business Valuation maybe required for the following purposes:
- Acquisition, disposal or merger of a business or its assets.
- Management buy-out, buy-in or departure of minority shareholders.
- Shareholder disputes or business reorganisation.
- Restructuring.
- Litigation or to satisfy tax requirements.
- Employee Share Option agreements.
Contact us now through one of the methods below for any further information you require.
Contact us to book a consultation:
Whatever your reason one of our valuation experts will analyse all aspects of your business and will provide you with a detailed valuation report!
What Our Clients Are Saying
Cap Corporate Finance acted on our behave to secure a suitable buyer for our nursing home. The process was efficient from start to completion and most importantly was confidential.
The advisors at Cap Corporate Finance worked tirelessly and professionally to secure the sale of our business. They project managed the sale from beginning to end allowing us to concentrate on the running of our business during the sale process.